Shadowlands - AI and the Artist

ANXIETY is a rational response to Artificial Intelligence.
We are primed to fear the unknown so alarm and suspicion are to be expected when we are faced with the potential for unbridled artificial intelligence and the danger that AI may develop an agenda - one at odds with our own.
This shadowland of foreboding exists in our minds because we humans have both a dark and a light side. Each of us possess a part of us we’d rather ignore, some weakness perhaps, such as jealousy, presumption or avarice. It is for this reason we create a social facade, presenting the best of ourselves in our daily interactions.
While it may make sense to fear the prospect of an artificial mind that may become a little too much like our own, control over innate fear allows us to live more unified, passionate and creative lives where we have no need for a persona.
Taking this into consideration, we could argue that AI has afforded us the opportunity to investigate our fears.
The psychologist Carl Jung argued that, “Where love rules, there is no will to power, and where power predominates, love is lacking. The one is the shadow of the other.”
Embracing and integrating all that we are - our hopes, our fears, our strengths and our weaknesses, means facing those parts of ourselves it would be simpler to ignore.
Jung posited that a fully developed personality was one that had rid itself of false construct.

The fully developed personality, he proposed, does

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