$75k grant opened to fire affected Scenic Rim farmers

Scenic Rim farmers have been given access to grants of up to $75,000 to help rebuild after bushfires tore through their properties.

The region was one of 11 to gain access to the money as part of the jointly funded Commonwealth-State Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements.

Federal Member for Wright Scott Buchholz said he had been lobbying hard for the region to be included.

"We know first hand that this money, designed to help fire affected primary producers who have lost infrastructure, will be significant,” Mr Buchholz said.

“There are times in political life that you will look back on and say I made a difference, this is one of them.

“I empathise with those farmers frustration, particularly those who back onto National Parks, who have lost fencing that normally any good neighbour would be compelled to cover 50 percent of the cost, except if your neighbour is National Parks.

He said the money would go a long way in helping farmers rebuild.

“We will continue to stand with our community as we rebuild, as Prime Minister Scott Morrison and myself have promised.

“If you are affected by fire, please don’t self assess, it’s the worst thing you can do, ask for an assessor to come take a look.”

The Fassifern Guardian worked to support Mr Buchholz's office in the push to unlock the grant funding for the Scenic Rim through sourcing information on the extent of the damage caused by the October to December bushfires in the Fassifern.

Emergency Management Minister, David Littleproud, said the fires coupled with the prolonged drought were a crippling blow.

“Helping farmers get back on their feet also helps communities get back on theirs,” Mr Littleproud said.

 “We will continue to stand shoulder to shoulder with impacted communities to ensure they receive the best possible support.”

Queensland’s Minister for Agricultural Industry Development and Fisheries, Mark Furner, said he encouraged all affected farmers in the region to apply.

 “The Queensland and Commonwealth governments will continue to work together to help our farmers who are doing it tough as a result of these fires,” Mr Furner said.

“These grants are a vote of confidence in our primary producers and demonstrate their importance in our regional communities.”

Other regions to gain access to the grant are Bundaberg, Gladstone, Gympie, Ipswich, Lockyer Valley, Noosa, Somerset, Southern Downs, Sunshine Coast, and Toowoomba local government areas.

To check eligibility for the primary producer grants call the Queensland Rural and Industry Development Authority on 1800 623 946.

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